My OSCP Preparation [Regular Update]

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I have lots of time to preparation for OSCP. My planned to take OSCP COURSE IN JULY 2018.
So i have 9 months to prepare. Solid preparation is best to become success in life.

I will update my preparation regular basis

Books to read ->

1. Metasploit the Penetration Tester's Guide

2. The Linux Programming Interfae

3. Hacking the Art of Exploitation [OLD is GOLD]

4. Rames natrajan's book -> Bash 101, Linux 101, Sed & Awk 101

5. PWK [old version but still beneficial]


Hackthebox lab is awesome for preparation OSCP and improving skills

Machines done so far
1. Blue
2. Optimum
3. Sneaky [owned user]
4. Shocker
5. Grandpa
6. Haircut
7. Lazy
8. Devel
9. Bank
10. Lame

Also need to learn all about BOF [Buffer Overflow] had lots of resources and will read it. Got guidance to learn assembly and c so will learn this too
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